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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 06-10-22 15:15 ak¹ÂÁ÷ ¿¡ÀÌÄÉÀ̹ÂÁ÷ akmusic ak music ¾Ç±â¼îÇÎ
Thankyou very much..~~
 ±Û¾´ÀÌ : Erin
Á¶È¸ : 1,529  
Since I'm out here in a foriegn country all by my myself, I thought it would be a good idea to buy an instrument that I could play with. Thinking that it would be a good way to make more use out of my spare time, I made the purchase a couple of days ago. At first, I had no idea how to get about to gather and find the info and the retail store for my purchase, so I asked one of my Korean friends for help. He recommended me this place where I ended up making my purchase. The shop had their branch in Yongsan, and it was convienient for me to make the visit since I live near Itewon. The people at the Yongsan branch were awesome and of great help. I'm writing this to show thanks to the people at the Yongsan branch, especially Mr.Lee for hooking me up with a very good deal. I'd also like to say thanks to the person who came all the way late in the night with the delivery. Thanks again.



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